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Project Management

Der Aufbau von Stationen für Strassen Kinder in Afrika.


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Hilfe für Strassen Kinder und freiwillige Rückkehrer (Flüchtlinge) im eigenen Land. Schule-Ausbildung. Wie z.B. in der Schule in Nigeria www.threepillars.org

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Wir sind ständig in Verbindung mit Firmen die Qualifizierte Arbeiter suchen. Welche wir durch unsere Schulen und Ausbildungsstätten in Afrika dann gewährleisten könnten.


Street and Handicap Children School

Posted 28/8/2022

School for Street Kids and Handycap Children Globally, there are 150 million children living with disabilities. They are often denied an education because they are the most vulnerable and excluded people in their communities. 

We will provide elementary education for Handicap children and Street Kids in Nigeria and Psychiatric Support to Children who were affected by the local Unrest in the North of Nigeria. In addition, we follow up the implementation of newer technologies and sciences to help develop these children and to open those Perspectives, that they can stand on their own feet afterwards!
These children need all support. Because there is a limited understanding within their communities and among lokal teachers about their learning needs, which is often fuelled by prejudices around disability.

Education and emergency support is the key to helping these children to rebuild their lives and have hope for the future. In early 2021 “The Tree Pillars for the Less Privileged Foundation” launched our first program in Nigeria, aiming to support this conflict-impacted children. Website: www.threepillarsfoundation.org

We must do our Part to give this Children a Save Heaven.
" Nigeria with the world’s highest number of out of school children, makes sense to Start our Projekt and give these forgotten children, who have been through hell, hope for their futures –
We can help turn their lives around."

Please Help: https://gofund.me/b9af84d4

Dr. hc. W. T. Schneider
MD/CEODr. hc. W. T. Schneider MD/CEO

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